Peter Jackson Releases Remastered Versions of Classic Lord of the Rings Movies

Photos: Lucasfilm, New Line Cinema

BURBANK, CA–Over two decades after the original release of the Lord of the Rings movies, the moment fans have been waiting for is finally here. Thanks to the advent of new special effects technology, Peter Jackson has announced that he’ll be releasing digitally remastered and updated versions of the three films, so his true directorial vision can finally be achieved.

“Through the beauty of movie magic, I’ll be able to do a lot of things that I couldn’t have done twenty years ago,” Jackson told Marvelous Movies in an interview. “For instance, when Bilbo finally dies at the end, Ian Holm’s face will be digitally replaced with the younger Martin Freeman’s from the Hobbit movies.”

Jackson also stated that, when the hobbits first meet Strider (a.k.a. Aragorn) at the Prancing Pony Inn and soon after encounter the Nazgul, the Nazgul will strike Strider first before Strider strikes a Nazgul. The change is intended to make Strider seem like less of an antihero and more of a good guy. “I wanted to make it this way to begin with,” Jackson explained. “This was always my vision for the film.”

Some vocal fans have protested this change, with the hashtag #StriderStruckFirst going viral on social media.

Jackson’s newly remastered films also open the door for other up-and-coming projects in the Lord of the Rings universe. For instance, Felicity Jones will star in Ring One, a side story highlighting the resistance against Sauron and how the original architect of Mount Doom intentionally created an opening that would lead to its destruction if the Ring were dropped into it. Additionally, Strider: A Ring Wars Story will show the origins of young Aragorn, starring Alden Ehrenreich in the lead role.

The fan community is unequivocally enthusiastic for each new piece of franchise content, expecting the quality of films to remain high indefinitely.

The remastered editions of the Lord of the Rings films will be released on special edition DVD and Blu-Ray in 2025.

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