“Wokest Star Wars Yet”: Progressive Series ‘The Acolyte’ Features Franchise’s First Incestuous Lesbian Relationship

Photos: Lucasfilm

BURBANK, CA–The Acolyte, the newest Star Wars series from DisneyPlus, has been making waves lately, and lesbian space witches who get pregnant using the Force was only the beginning. Fans are now in an uproar as the most recent episode featured lesbian incest between twins Mae and Osha Aniseya (Amandla Stenberg).

“People say we’re being too woke, but incest between twins has been part of Star Wars since the very beginning,” commented director Leslye Headland. “But still, now we’ve got black, lesbian incest. We’ve made a lot of progress since the original movies!”

“If you think fans are mad now, then just wait ’til the finale,” Headland teased. “We’ll throw pedophilia into the mix too–there’s gonna be a threesome between the twins and Jecki Lon. Love is love, and Star Wars is an inclusive place no matter who you love.”

The moment in question came on this week’s Acolyte episode when Mae and Osha, separated for years and previously on opposite sides of the law, reconciled and put aside their differences. Then, in a heartfelt moment of passion, they began kissing intensely. Soon, the camera cut to them going to bed together and, later, waking up partially clothed in each other’s arms.

“At first, they had me just kissing the air and tried to fill in the rest with CGI,” Stenberg said on the process of playing both lesbian twins. “But then they just brought in one of my stunt doubles who looks exactly like me. So we started making out, and that was honestly pretty hot.” Stenberg went on to elaborate on the details of the romantic encounter, but Marvelous Movies has declined to print her full comment.

“It turns out we get along great in real life, and we actually have a lot in common,” Stenberg continued. “Her name is Amanda Steinberg, we’re both from L.A., and we even have the same birthday! I mean, what are the odds?”

At publishing time, Stenberg and Steinberg had discovered that they are actually long-lost twins in real life, having been separated at birth. They’ve also gotten engaged and, upon their marriage, are planning to reside in West Virginia.

The Acolyte is streaming on DisneyPlus with new episodes each Tuesday.

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